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entry table中文

用"entry table"造句"entry table" in a sentence"entry table"怎麼讀


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  • Task sheet view , with entry table and all tasks filter
  • Gantt chart view , with entry table and summary tasks filter
    “甘特圖視圖” ,使用“項”表和“摘要任務”篩選器
  • Move down to the websphere application server topic entries table and click
    向下移動到websphere application server topic條目表并單擊
  • * * * * units field in the entry table of the resource sheet view
    在“最大單位”域中輸入的數字通常以x乘以100 %表示,其中x等于集合中資源的數量。
  • You create a resource group by entering its name in the group field , which is located in the entry table of the resource sheet view
  • For example , if you change the name of the duration column to length in the entry table , the duration column in the summary table still appears with the title duration
    譬如,如果在“項目”表中將“工期”列的名稱改成了“長度” ,那么在摘要表中, “工期”列的名稱依然是“工期” 。
  • In the server settings section of the websphere jms provider options panel , move down into the jms connection factories section to the wastopicconnectionfactories entries table and click
    在websphere jms provider options面板的服務器設置部分,向下移動到jms connection factories部分的wastopicconnectionfactories條目表并單擊
用"entry table"造句  


entry table的中文翻譯,entry table是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯entry table,entry table的中文意思,entry table的中文entry table in Chineseentry table怎麼讀,发音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。